I started fiddling with a tool to avoid code duplication in code repositories. I made a POC with react-boilerplate so that I can use it in many repositories without duplicating code!


A popular way of working seems to be creating template, or boilerplate, projects. Problem is, while you maintain the template project, how do you spread those improvements to the 100+ repositories that once copied the template!?

I spent some time thinking about this and came up with a solution =)


I took the react-boilerplate and created a dictator.

The dictator dictates files that should be copied to a target.

  "message": "Copy react-boilerplate",
  "actions": [
      "copyFrom": "react-boilerplate",
      "target": "."

I created an example of an application using this dictator.

  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "dictator-react-boilerplate",
  "devDependencies": {
    "dictator-react-boilerplate": "0.0.2",

The example application can choose not to be dictated on some parts.

    "ignore": [